Policy plan 2020 -2023
The sale of books is difficult to estimate in advance. This means that we cannot already plan activities in Asia now. Sales are permanently stimulated by giving presentations and courses in the Netherlands and abroad by K. Postema.
In 2020 it will be examined how the possibilities of the BERJALAN foundation can be brought to the attention of potential stakeholders. Surabaya has asked for a hands-on course for indicating, producing and evaluating a ventral ankle foot orthosis. All this will be worked out.
Due to Corona, no activity took place in Surabaya. The course has been moved to the fall of 2021. As soon as possible, sales will be stimulated again by giving presentations and courses by K. Postema. The subsidy options will be announced through IVO and hopefully also ISPO.
Again Corona has a big influence. The board decided to stick to the plans. When travelling will be possible again, appointments will be made for a course in Surabaya.