Foundation BERJALAN donates 40 textbooks “Pedorthic footwear; Asssessment and treatment” to the (old) students of “These shoes are made for walking”.
Foundation BERJALAN donated 40 textbooks “Pedorthic footwear; Asessment and treatment” to the (old) students of ‘These shoes are made for walking’. Netherlands Leprosy Relief and Liliane Foundation set up a sustainable, internationally recognised training course for orthopaedic shoemakers/pedorthists in Hanoi, and to help establish workshops for orthopaedic footwear in five Southeast Asian countries in 2012. The training lasts for 18 months, fulltime, and is in Hanoi. One floor of the trianing centre has living facilities for the foreign students. They come from different countries like Myamar, Cambodja, Vietnam, Laos and Indonesia. After the graduation they go back to their countries. The first students already work in their own countries and produce orthopaedic footwear for their patients. They have to work there in difficult circumstances. However, they told very enthusiastic stories about their activities to dissiminate their work. Really great. Klaas Postema was several times in Hanoi to teach the students. The gift has been made possible by the pedorthic workshops Roessingh Rehabilitation Technique and Wittepoel Orthopaedic Shoe Technique. March 14 Klaas Postema was in Hanoi to teach again. He handed over a dummy of the book to Fred Holtkamp as symbol of the gift to the students. Fred Holtkamp is one of the initiators and organisers of “These shoes are made for walking”. The present students were very happy and look forward to receive the book. As soon as the book is available it will be send to them. For those, who want to know more about “These shoes are made for walking”, please use the link of the website:

Students from the current curriculum from: Bangladesh, Marocco, Sudan, Cambodia and Congo.

Abir El Atrache from Marocco
April 4, 2018
Today Jan Postema, president of the Foundation, and Klaas Postema had a meeting with the solicitor to establish the Foundation BERJALAN. All documents were signed and the Foundation is a fact now.
The first official act of the Foundation BERJALAN is the gift of 40 textbooks “Pedorthic Footcare; assessment and treatment” to the (old) students of “These shoes are made for walking”